Are You Creative or Analytical?

There tend to be two different types of people in this world, although there are varieties in either group. Some individuals tend to be creative and they may use that creativity in many different ways. Other people, however, may lean more toward analytical thinking, which is also something that has its benefits. In many cases, they are either considered to be left brain or right brain thinkers, although that is somewhat of a myth.

The left brain and right brain dominance theory is often considered to be descriptive of how somebody uses their thinking. A person who is left brain is considered to be more logical but a person who is right brain is said to be more intuitive. In reality, we use our entire brain but that does not necessarily mean that we don’t have certain dominant qualities that may either be analytical or creative. So which category do you fall in?


This little test can go a long way in helping you to know if you are an analytical thinker or if you tend to be more creative. Most people think that they have the answer but do you know the truth? Take this video test and you are about to find out.
