Eye Tests That Look Like Magic

By some estimates, we have 78 different organs within the human body. Those include vital organs, such as the heart and lungs as well as other organ systems, including our digestive system, immune system, nervous system and reproductive system. Out of all of those, perhaps one of the most amazing organs is the human eye. It is not a vital part of the body, because we can live without it but it is one that many of us would not choose if we had to give one away.

The eyes provide us with the sense of sight and they interact with the brain in a rather amazing way. Unlike many parts of the human body, the eyes are always working at 100%, even when we first wake up in the morning. There are also many things that you are likely to not know about the human eye, but this little video will help you to understand the organ to a greater degree.


Did you realize that we have a dominant eye or that it is possible to make something disappear by moving it into our blind spot? These facts and more are provided in this video and let’s just say it is amazing to know.
