How Well Do You Pay Attention?

There are many amazing parts of the human body but perhaps one of the most amazing is the human eye. Just understanding a few quick facts about the eye can really help to enhance your appreciation of it. For example, the eye is the fastest part of the human body to heal and, although it may take some parts of your body time to warm up, the eye is always ready to go at 100%.

Of course, we don’t really need to know obscure facts about the human eye to truly appreciate what it has to offer. It allows us to see everything that is around us and, regardless of whether we consider ourselves to be observant or not, the eyes send signals to the brain and our body reacts accordingly. It’s an ongoing process, and one that we don’t even think about in many cases.


If you consider yourself to be an observant individual, you may just use your eyes in a different way than somebody who is not observant. Do you think that you could look at somebody flipping cards and tell how many red ones there are? Take a look at this video, I guarantee you will be amazed with the results.
