How Strong Is Your Mind?

Scientists have marveled over the abilities of the brain for thousands of years. Even today, they consider the brain to be the most fascinating and complex thing that exists in the known universe. We continue to learn more about it on an ongoing basis and through scientific study, but it is unlikely that we are ever going to know everything that there is to know about the brain. At times, it may even throw us a surprise or two.

One of the surprises is found in psychology. It is known as the Stroop effect, and it involves looking at the names of certain colors while at the same time, having those names printed in various colors. Many people are surprised to learn that it actually affects the response time and it could tell us a lot about how our brains are working.


The Stroop effect can provide a number of conclusions, including semantic interference, semantic facilitation and something known as the Stroop asynchrony. In a nutshell, it involves the speed with which you can process information and something that is known as the selective attention theory. How strong is your mind? Let’s find out. You might be surprised with what you learn.
