Can You Answer These 3 Short Brain Teaser Questions?

It is a natural human tendency to feel as if you’re intelligent. Admittedly, all of us know that the intelligence of humans will vary from one to another with some being geniuses and others lacking in some way or another. Testing your intelligence is one way for you to be confident in the fact that you are at least in the upper half. It can either give you the ability to feel good about yourself or provide you with some direction to work on.

The following 3 questions that are provided in this video are not difficult, but they can certainly throw you for a loop. As a matter of fact, they are fooling people online and they may just fool you as well. When you take this little test, you might be surprised with how easily you are thrown by the simplicity of the questions.


The questions on this video may be tricky, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t simple to answer. The fact of the matter is that once you understand the answer, you will know exactly where it is coming from. Take the little test and try to get the answers right. You might just surprise yourself.
