The Page Turner

Have you ever set up a pack of dominoes, just to watch them fall down in a line? Some people do this for fun, but others really challenge themselves by setting up intricate patterns. It can take hours to set something up but when it is falling down, you get to see all of your hard work paying off. This is something that can be done, not only with dominoes but with many other objects as well.

In this video, you get to see something that is really going to make you do a double take. It starts out with a man sitting at a table reading the newspaper. Admittedly, most of us get our news online now, but some people still enjoy the feel of an actual newspaper that is held in their hands. When it comes time to turn the page, he does something unusual.


Rather than reaching down and flipping the page, he starts a chain reaction of objects in motion that is rather unusual. In fact, it is the most unusual of its type I have ever seen. Through it all, the contraption was designed for a single purpose. Will it achieve the goal? It’s a lot of fun to watch and see.
