The Smile Test

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and it is often discussed separately from the body in many ways. We talk about how the brain and the body interact with each other, for example, and there are many amazing ways in which it does so. Some of them are easy to detect, such as walking or scratching when you have an itch. Others take place behind the scenes and we don’t really give them much thought, including our heartbeat or our digestive process.

In many ways, we think about how our body reacts when the brain has a certain thought or feels a certain way. For example, if we are happy, we smile but if we are sad, we frown. There are many ways that our body may react to the way that we feel but did you know that the opposite is also true?


In this unique experiment, you are told to smile and you only do so for approximately 30 seconds. The man in the video then goes on to explain how smiling, even if you don’t feel like it, can have a profound effect on the way that you do feel.
